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the Good Girlfriend

Training Request

From Terri :
Hi. My name is Terri.

I'm not sure if you can help me or not. My boyfriend doesn't know that I'm doing this, but I want to be a better girlfriend for him. I don't feel like I know how to properly please him.

I'm 25, but I don't have a lot of experience with relationships. I'm hoping maybe you could assist me, and show me what I should be doing?

I know that technically this would count as cheating on my boyfriend, but I'm doing it to become a better girlfriend for him, so I'm hoping that makes it okay.

I can be available to meet any evening during the week, but I'm not around from Friday through Sunday, as I spend that time at my boyfriend's, and I don't want him to know about this.


the Good Girlfriend
Terri Image
Model : Dani Jensen
Color : #FF0000  

Can be attracted to Girls


Reputation Required 1
Training Duration 10


Stat Name Initial Suggested
Sense of Self 0 TBD
Desire 0 TBD
Resistance 20 TBD
Submission 0 TBD