Wife Trainer Files
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the Loving Wife

Training Request

From Sarah's Husband :
Hi, I'm hoping you can help me with my wife, Sarah.
We've been married for a year now, and she's wonderful. I'm still madly in love with her and the sex is great. She's everything I ever wanted in a wife, except for one little thing.

Sarah's too hot a woman to keep all to myself. I want to show her off to my friends and let them have a taste of what I get every night when we go to bed.

Sarah's always been 'good girl giving' when it comes to my sexual urges, but she's uncomfortable with being shared. Do you think you could work with her and see if you can overcome her concerns?

She hasn't exactly said yes to working with you, but she hasn't said no either. She's agreed to meet with you here at our house to decide if she's willing to let you help us.


the Loving Wife
Sarah Image
Model : Sharon Lee
Color : #804040  

Attracted to Boys
Can be attracted to Girls


Reputation Required 2
Training Duration 10


Stat Name Initial Suggested
Sense of Self 0 TBD
Desire 0 TBD
Resistance 100 TBD
Submission 0 TBD


Trigger Possible Yes
Session Threshold 7
Resistance Threshold 0
Trigger Phrase(s) Loving wives are slut wives