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the Chubby

Training Request

From Chelsea's Husband :
I love my wife, [chelsea.name], and I'm reaching out to you in the hopes that you can help her.

[chelsea.name] is a beautiful woman, but she doesn't feel beautiful. She's struggled with weight issues her whole life. She goes on diets, then she goes off diets.

She starts an exercise program, then she stops it. Then she tries another one. Then she spends a week on the couch overeating and crying herself to sleep.

We've tried a personal trainer, but it didn't help. When I read your profile I realized I must really be getting desperate to think about sending her to you. But there you go. I am desperate.

If you can help focus her desire to be fit so that she actually loses the weight, and is ready to do what she needs to keep it off, then I will try and not think about what you may be doing with her when the two of you are together.

What I want out of this is a happy wife who feels good about herself and who's not ashamed to have sex with me because she feels bad about the way she looks.


the Chubby
Chelsea Image
Model : Alex Chance
Color : #00CDCD  

Attracted to Boys
Can be attracted to Girls


Reputation Required 0
Training Duration 10


Stat Name Initial Suggested
Sense of Self 0 TBD
Desire 0 TBD
Resistance 70 TBD
Submission 0 TBD


Trigger Possible Yes
Session Threshold 7
Resistance Threshold 20
Trigger Phrase(s) Fat Girls do as they're told